This is my project for the studio this semester of polar station design. Due to the location of the site, I decide to apply a adaptable solar panel system to the facade of the dome so it would interacts with the sun and adjusts to the perfect angel of absorbing sunlight. So there are two sets of panels-inner glass panels and outter solar panels(adaptable).
STEP 001 We start by creating a sphere and a isosahedron of the same radius.(Plugin-Weaverbird
STEP 002 Pull two sets of points out of the surface of the sphere and isosahedron respectively.
STEP 003 Construct mesh out of the two sets of points and explode it. It looks like the one I baked on the left.(Plugin-MeshEdit
STEP 004 Extract half of the sphere using CullPattern then join the mesh and we got a dome.
STEP 005 By DeconstructMesh and WbFacePolys, we extract the fame and the knots of the mesh.
STEP 006 Create pipes, joints and inner glass panels.
STEP 007 Create a vector as an attractor to simulate sunlight.
STEP 008 Create the rotation steps ready to be fed the angels later.
STEP 009 Create vectors that are perpendicular to each one of the panels.
STEP 010 Use the angel between the attractor and the normal vectors of the panels as the opening angle of the panels. But we have to remap the angels to 0-45 degrees because the original numbers are hard to distinguish.
STEP 011 Now we can feed the remaped data to angels and don’t forget to match the data type by grafting it.
STEP 012 Finally add some color which shows the extent of the opening.
By changing the attractor vector, we can simulate the sun at different time and get different results.
And this is the 3d-printed model of my project. I hope this tutorial would help you with the modeling of geometic domes and the give you the idea of using an attractor and decide the relating factor of the desired status.
The link of the file click heredome
Plugins click here
And thank you.