- Idea
The aim of the project was to design hotel lobby and make it more attractive so I decided to design parametric wall.
The main goal was to make it minimalist and good looking. - Script
a) Surface
The first step was to make a Surface and divide it for segments
b) After that I separate points from the devided segments.
c) Segments
In the next step I had to randomly choose one point from the four existing one of which was moved up and other one down.
d) Choosing points.
The main problem was to everytime choose two different points so to do that I offseted the list (shift list command).e) Connections
In the end I had to make a four point surfaces and connect points together. To make it easier I used flatten option In that way i had to connect point only in one square and after unchecked it works for every segments.
Firstly I’ve connected points to make front surface
Then I started to making connections of points to fill gaps from every side
f) Possibilities
The whole design depends on the connection method, so mine is one of the ways and has other options.
And also you can add more points using average component
or change number of division and have rectangle
we can also change high of the cornes.