Final Tutorial-Logan Steele


Categories: Tutorials

Final Script

Final Rhino File

Part 1_create the seats

Step 1_

Establish a curve for the path of the bench to follow. Create closed curves for the sections the seats to follow and for the feet.



Step 2_

Orient the seat curves along the path of the bench. Place the curves at each endpoint and somewhere else along the line (I chose the midpoint).

Pic2.1           Pic2


Step 3_

Sweep the seat curves using the path of the bench as the rail.

Pic3.1 Pic3

Step 4_

To divide the swept form, use Perpendicular Frames and Brep|Frame to establish the number of bench slats (I chose 9 to keep visual clutter low).

Pic4.1 Pic4

Step 5_

Create surfaces for each bench slat. Use the move command with the expression -x/2 to establish a thickness for the bench slats.

Pic5.1 Pic5

Step 6_

Extrude the slat surfaces. Dispatch the list of extruded forms and dispatch the list of perpendicular frames using the same pattern. (slat count changed to 15 to make pattern visual)


Step 7_

Dispatching these lists creates a total of 4 lists. 2 are extruded forms, 2 are planes that correspond to these forms.

Pic7.1 Pic7

Step 8_

Using the corresponding planes and geometries, add a rotation command rotating them between -90 degrees and 0 degrees.

Pic8.1 Pic8

Part 2_create the bench support bars

Step 9_

Start by creating points for the upper bar and the lower bar.

Pic9.1 Pic9

Step 10_

Create circles of equal radius at the center-points of the support bars. Orient the circles along the path of the bench using XY origin and the perpendicular frames for the bench slats.

Pic10.1 Pic10

Step 11_

Sweep the support bars using the bench path as a rail.

Pic11.1 Pic11

Part 3_create the feet

Step 12_

Assign origin points for each bench foot. Orient foot curves at the ends of the bench path.

Pic12.1 Pic12

Step 13_

Create surfaces for the feet.

Pic13.1 Pic13

Step 14_

Move the edge of foot #1 using the thickness of the seat slats and move function with the expression x/2.

Pic14.1 Pic14


Step 15_

Move the edge of foot #2 using the negative of the multiplication function.

Pic15.1 Pic15

Step 16_

Extrude the edges of feet using the multiplication function for foot #1 and the negative of that for foot #2.

Pic16.1 Pic16

Step 17_

Vary the number and thickness of slats, pattern of slats, and path of bench to achieve the desired form.

Pic17 Pic18 Pic19