The file .gh is available here : Bar
Step 1 : Create the Brep
I created an hexagone solid that i set on one brep in grasshopper.
Step 2 : Create a population of points
I used the tool «population» in order to create mutiple points. I decided for this exemple using 15 point and 614 as seed.
Step 3 : Integrate special point to create flat surfaces
I put some points and their mirror in the Z axes, more or less far.
Step 4 : Merge all points
I merged point from «population» tool and mine with the «union» tool.
Step 5 : Voronoi
I used the «voronoi 3D» tool in order to create cells and look like bubble.
This how voronoi works in 2D. In my case it is the same but in 3D.
Step 6 : Merges surfaces from voronoi and from the hexagone
I merged all surfaces in one mesh.
Step 7 : Find the lines
The goal here is to find all the section lines between all the surfaces to only use that afterwards and remove all duplicates.
Step 8 : Create pipes
I used all the created lines to build pipes around its.
Step 9 : Bake
The last step is to bake the pipes in order to work on it in Rhino.
Many possibilities :
It is possible with the script to change the density and the thickness of the lines to vreate many different models.
Final :