Parametric brick wall – Moucharabieh


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What’s the point ?

I often use brick in my architectural projects, but the possibilities for customizing brick walls are relatively limited in architectural software such as Archicad. This meant that every time I wanted to use a brick moucharabieh in a project I had to draw it and create it brick by brick. Thanks to this script, this is no longer necessary, as it makes it easier to create moucharabieh with undulating bricks. This allows you to create a greater variety of patterns in a brick wall but also, by adjusting the angle, to create a brick wall that lets light through while retaining visual privacy.

Inspiration and example

The Revolving Bricks Serai Building in Arak, in Iran

Step 1 : Creating the wall surface

Step 2 : Creating the 3D bricks

Step 3 : Separating the bricks in even and odd row

Step 4 : Shifting the odd rows

Step 5 : Creating an attractor

Option 1 : Customizing the rotation with the attractor line

Option 2 : Customizing the rotation with an inclined attractor line

Option 3 : Customizing the rotation with an attractor point