Parametric shading facade


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For my semester task I wanted to create a script which can be applied to certain shapes to create a wall or a roof. The main idea for the script is to use a point as an attractor to imitate the sun.



The problem was that I had to make something that became smaller as the amount of points grew, and would come out as something that could be made solid in Rhino. I tried different methods for this. However, what worked best was to multiply points in each direction to create a rectangle, and draw a line between each point. From there, the rectangle would be extruded.

1.1) One curve will first be drawn in Rhino. Divide the curve into points
1.2) This part of the script moves each point in 4 directions from its center point, to create a rectangle. Polyline segment creates a line between each point, to make separate rectangles.
1.3) The lines will be extruded with “Extrude” component, and a number slider lets you decide height.

1.4) The number of plates will correspond to the total amount of points.

1.5) The plates can spin around its own axis.

2. | Ladybug

2.1) Each vector from the points on the curve, and the vector from the sun, allows the the angle of the plates to correspond to ladybugs sun point direction.

3. | Attractor

Using the sun point as attractor.

Originally I wanted to work with attractors, but it became less important as I was already working with the sun. However, I wanted to include the attractor part, as it would be possible to make some changes in regards of how much sun is being blocked out.

Futhermore, this part of the script makes the plates with more distance from the sun, scale down the width. The less direct sun there is, the thinner the plates become.

4. | Analysis

4.1) The sun comes from desired time of day. (1 – 12 hours)

4.2) View from top view, with removed roof. From morning to evening.

5. | Conclusion

In conclusion, there were some aspects that worked. However, several problems came up when I tried to apply it to different curve shapes, which was part of my goal. For now, the result will only be limited to one single line in one direction.

Files and input




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