This tutorial covers basics of 2D Radial Grid.
Create a sphere and a point.
Point will be used to define the epicenter of a radial 2D grid. To find the closest distance between the sphere and the point, we will use “Surface Closest Point”.
To create a base plane for the radial 2D grid, we need to evaluate surface from the sphere and UV Point of the closest Point.
Now let’s create the radial 2D grid and plug some number sliders affecting it’s shape and density.
Each point has a number and we can cull some numbers with certain values out of the equation. To cull the central point, we will use “Flip Matrix” and “Cull Index”.
The points created by the radial 2D grid are still floating above the sphere (except for the center), to put them on a sphere, use “Surface Closest Point” again.
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Here you can see the difference in Point indexes with/without flipping the matrix.
Let’s hide everything we don’t need at the moment by clicking at it with MMB in Grasshopper and selecting blindfolded head icon.
We have a lot of options right now, I decided to move the point away from the surface of the sphere according to the distance from the initial radial 2D grid and the one that covers the surface of the sphere. “Panel” node is for information only, the four number were put in manually by right clicking “Number” node and selecting “Set multiple values”
Let’s say we want each point to mark the location of an object. To achieve this, we first connect an object from the scene with grasshopper’s “Surface” node and then use Move to define this. I further changed the scale by simply using a number slider for it’s magnitude and the points for the individual centers of scaling.
It is also possible to affect the scale by other values, such as the aforementioned distance between the points of the initial and glued radial grid, or other values we wish to make use of. I use multiplication again to have control over the effect.
We can change the orientation of the defined objects by using the surface of the sphere, points locations and defining planes out of them which would be later used for orientation target planes.
It’s always time to experiment, here I rotated the anuloids for example. There are many possibilities.