For semestral work I wanted to try voronoi diagram for my studio project. Since the model was done beforehand in another program, I had to import the existing geometry in Rhino and define surfaces on which I wanted to try my experiment.
Firstly, I decided to play with one surface and if that worked well, I’d do the same on another.
populate the first surface
and create voronoi diagrams based on the points.
scaled the created surface
identify points which “pull” the populated points
merge the scale and existing voronoi geometry, and then “hide” the “working” version of the geometry.
based on the “working geometry”, create outline / boundary surface
extrude the result
remap and re-adjust numbers for a better outcome
play around with sliders
copy / paste the whole “process” and change the surface 1 into surface 2 (ceiling)
bake the result
import the result in the existing file of my studio project
that was all.
Thanks for your attention.