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park – tool for landscape architects


I wanted to create a script, that would help landscape architects to connect their drawing with computer. Parametric modeling in Rhino Grasshopper allows that. In this script, you can insert your drawings into prepared Image Samplers. This way, you can use your zone plans, define the planting area with brush strokes, use gradient or bump maps to affect various attributes like density of forest or size of plants.

This script combines the speed and flexibility of 3D parametric modeling with the freedom and creativity of hand drawing.


1. define area

2. populate area

3. substitute trees with circles

4. redefine planting area

5. adjust the density of trees

6. adjust the size of trees

7. add planting zones

8. distribute trees into zones

9. diversify the zones

10. plant LandsDesign trees

11. bake it

12. choose display style

13. done

used plugins

other possibilities and suggestions
