THE MARCO POLO CHALLENGE: System for designing 3D concrete printed walls
Author: Alexandre Montolio Font
This exercice is part of the Marco Polo Challenge Studio carried out by the professors Katerina Nováková and Jiří Vele and its purpose is to design a two storage house whose walls are made by 3d printed material. More specifically, this exercise focuses on designing a parametric system in Grashopper in order to be shared with the team members and allow us to experiment with different pattern possibilities.
The inspiration comes from the Prvok House, designed by Michal Trpák, Jiří Vele, Kateřina Nováková in 2020.
A total of five different possibilities have been developed always using the same basic script sytem to design the model:
1.The Sinusoidal Wall: Combination of two inverted sinusoidal curves along a cilindrical coordinated points.
2. The Gradient Wall: Combination of two inverted sinusoidal curves whose domain is modified by an attractor factor.
3. The Attractor Wall: Point grid based in a sinusoidal curve (x and y axis) and “graph map” curve in axis z whose domain is modified by an attractor factor.
4. The Pattern Wall: Use the Surface Morph to transform a XYZ coordinated surface into a one ajusted to the cilindrical coordinates of the original wall.
5. The 4D Wall: Use the Surface Morph to transform a random (using 4D noise) XYZ coordinated surface into a one ajusted to the cilindrical coordinates of the original wall.
How the wall patterns fit on the house
How to do the Gradient Wall
Printing of the Gradient Wall (50x50cm concrete model)