The main objective of this tutorial is to model a bus stop entirely with Grasshopper which can be editable depending on the size of the street only changing some parameters.
Besides this bus stop has been designed with two main ideas:
1. Integrate a piece of nature in the streets of a city.
Nowadays everybody everyone is aware about the problem of climate change and pollution in big cities, for this reason is very important to ad parks and gardens along the cities. However sometimes that becomes a difficult task because of non space problems or because it is very expensive. So, what about add some vegetation to places which are already neccesaries in the city?
With this in mind, the idea of the bus stop design is to remember a big tree under which people can take cover. For this reason the columns looks like tree trunks and all the roof covered with vegetation.
2. Integrate as many services as necesities could have people who is waiting for the bus.
People who is waiting for the bus could spent a lot of time in the bus stop and they may have some basic necessities like rest, drink water or going to the bathroom. That ir why this design incorpores different services to solve with these neccesities.
A- Seats
B- Bathroom
C- Fount
D- Lights
Modeling has been divided in different parts to construct the hole design:
1. Floor
This structure is made with a basic extruded rectangle to have a floor reference in the design.
2. Fount
This structure is made with basic geometries.
3. Cristal
In this case the main function used is the solid diference to obtain the fix cristal
4. Small columns
The aim is to make the columns look like a tree trunk and for this purpose we have used the graph mapper function combined with a series to generate polygons and rotating them progressively. This have been used to generate both types of columns.
5. Big columns
Apart of the techniques used to obtein the column, this structure also has the circular seat which is made also with basic geometries.
6. Seat
This structure is made with basic geometries.
7. Roof
This structure is the most complex of the design because of the different parts. The grey part is made by a combination between solid differences and solid intersections. The back grills are made using lines and the function pipe.
8. Light
This structure is made basically with the function pipe.
9. Bathroom
This structure is made with basic geometries and a solid difference to add the door.
10. Vegetation
In this design adding vegetation is vital. To achieve this, a pre-designed file of a plant is imported and its location is randomized and rotated to obtain a result that resembles reality.
All this parts has been designed in fuction of some parameters that can be editables to change the dimensions of the bus stop. One trick to obtain a clear distribution in Grasshopper is using the option of wire display hidden.
Grasshopper code: Bus Stop v.6
Rhino code:Free_Tree_model